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Calories Burned Walking Calculator

Calculate calories burned walking with this Fitness Calculator

  • Created by Olivia Bennett
  • Reviewed by Richard Anderson


Calories Burned Walking:

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How to Measure Calories Burned by Walking?

To measure the calories burned by walking, you can use a fitness tracker, an online calculator, or a chart or formula based on weight, distance, and pace. The number of calories burned can vary based on individual factors and the specific conditions of the walk. These estimates should be a rough guide rather than an exact measurement.

When walking, how many calories do I burn?

There are a few techniques to compute the number of calories expended by walking:

  1. Wearing a smartwatch or activity tracker
    The number of steps you take, the distance you travel, and the number of calories you burn while walking may all be tracked by a variety of built-in sensors found in fitness trackers and smartwatches. To calculate your caloric expenditure, these gadgets factor in your age, weight, height, and amount of physical activity in addition to the usual suspects.
  2. Using an online calculator
    Calorie expenditure during walking can be roughly estimated using any number of online calculators that take into account the walker's weight, the length of the walk, and the speed at which it is taken. You can determine your caloric expenditure from walking by entering your weight, the total distance covered, and the total time spent walking into one of these calculators. Some calculators may additionally ask for your age, height, and exercise level.
  3. When a formula or chart is used
    You may estimate the number of calories you burn while walking by using a chart or formula that takes into account your weight and the distance you walk. A popular method for calculating caloric expenditure is as follows: caloric expenditure = (0.0375 x weight in pounds) x distance in miles. Assuming a steady 3 miles per hour stroll, this formula works out to be accurate.

It is crucial to remember that the number of calories expended when walking can vary depending on a variety of variables, including your weight, the intensity of your walk, how long it lasts, and the precise circumstances in which you are walking (e.g., terrain, weather).

The estimates provided by fitness trackers, online calculators, and charts or formulas should be used as a rough guide rather than an exact measurement.

If you want to lose weight, does walking help?

Walking is an excellent approach to getting some exercise, losing weight, and enhancing your health because it is low-impact, simple, and easy to do. It can aid weight loss by increasing calorie expenditure, enhancing cardiovascular fitness, fortifying bones, and decreasing stress.

Walking is a versatile exercise that can be introduced into many different situations and modified to suit individuals of varying fitness levels and personal preferences. To reap the health advantages of regular moderate-intensity physical activity, such as walking, experts recommend aiming for at least 150 minutes per week.

When I go for a stroll, how many calories will I burn?

Walking, you can burn anything from a few hundred to several thousand calories per hour. Still, that figure fluctuates based on weight, the intensity of your walk, and the distance covered. Walking at a moderate pace of 3 mph can burn roughly 100 calories each mile for a person weighing around 150 pounds.

However, the exact number of calories burned when walking might differ from person to person and from walk to walk based on various factors.

How can I burn more calories while walking?

To maximize the number of calories you burn while walking, you can try the following strategies:

  • Increase the intensity of your walk by walking faster or uphill.
  • Increase the distance of your walk by adding extra loops or taking longer routes.
  • Add intervals of higher-intensity activity, such as jogging or sprinting, to your walk.
  • Carry weights, such as dumbbells or a backpack, to increase the resistance and intensity of your walk.
  • Use a pedometer or a fitness tracker to track your steps and distance, and aim to increase your daily step count gradually.

It is essential to listen to your body and refrain from doing it, especially if you are new to walking or are not used to physical activity. Start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your walks as you become more fit.

It is also vital to warm up before your walk, cool down afterwards, and wear appropriate clothing and footwear to ensure your comfort and safety.


Calories burned while walking are calculated based on factors like your weight, the distance covered, your pace, and the terrain. Different formulas and online calculators use these factors to estimate the calories burned.

  • Weight: Heavier individuals tend to burn more calories while walking.
  • Distance: Longer distances result in more calories burned.
  • Pace: Faster paces generally lead to higher calorie burn.
  • Terrain: Walking on inclines or rough terrain burns more calories.
  • Age: Younger individuals tend to burn more calories than older individuals.

On average, walking can burn around 100-300 calories per hour, depending on factors like distance, pace, terrain, and individual body weight.

Yes, walking is a low-impact but effective form of cardiovascular exercise for burning calories. It is accessible to people of all fitness levels and can be easily incorporated into daily routines.

Yes, many fitness trackers have specific settings for tracking walking activities. They use accelerometers and GPS to provide more accurate estimates of calories burned based on your distance covered, pace, and heart rate.

Walking outdoors may involve additional factors like wind resistance and varying terrain, which can slightly alter the calorie expenditure compared to walking on a treadmill. However, both forms of walking can be effective for calorie burning.