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Calories Burned Rock Climbing Calculator

Calculate calories burned from rock climbing

  • Created by Olivia Bennett
  • Reviewed by Richard Anderson


Calories Burned Rock Climbing:

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How to Calculate Calories Burned by Rock Climbing?

To calculate calories burned while rock climbing, use a fitness tracker or smartphone app that tracks heart rate and estimates calorie burn based on age, weight, and intensity of the climb.

Online calculators and manual formulas are also options, though they may be less accurate. For a more accurate estimate, a personal trainer or exercise physiologist can measure heart rate and oxygen consumption during a climb.

What should I wear when rock climbing?

When rock climbing, it is important to wear clothing that is comfortable and allows for a full range of motion. Here are some guidelines for what to wear when rock climbing:

  • Wear comfortable, breathable clothing made from moisture-wicking materials, such as synthetic fabrics or merino wool. Avoid cotton, as it tends to hold onto sweat and can cause chafing.
  • Wear close-fitting clothing that won't get in the way or get caught on the rock. Loose clothing can be a hazard when climbing and can get in the way of your movements.
  • Wear shoes that fit well and have a sticky rubber sole. Rock climbing shoes are designed specifically for climbing and have a snug fit and a sticky rubber sole that provides good grip on the rock.
  • Wear a helmet to protect your head in case of a fall.
  • Consider wearing a harness if you are climbing at a height that requires a rope.
  • Wear sunscreen and a hat to protect your skin from the sun, especially if you are climbing outdoors.
  • Bring plenty of water and snacks to stay hydrated and nourished during your climb.

It is also a good idea to check with the climbing gym or area you will be climbing in to see if there are any specific guidelines for clothing or equipment.

In general, it is important to wear comfortable, breathable clothing that allows for a full range of motion and good grip on the rock, and to protect your head and skin while climbing.

How are rock climbing holds made?

Rock climbing holds are made in a variety of shapes and sizes and are used to create routes for rock climbers to follow. There are many different materials that can be used to make rock climbing holds, including polyurethane, resin, and fiberglass.

The most common method for making rock climbing holds involves creating a mold in the desired shape and then pouring the chosen material into the mold. The material is then allowed to cure or harden before the hold is removed.

Some rock climbing holds are made using a CNC (computer numerical control) machine, which is a type of machine tool that can be programmed to cut or shape materials to precise dimensions. The CNC machine can be used to create holds in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be programmed to create holds with different levels of difficulty.

Is rock climbing a good way to burn calories?

Rock climbing is a physically demanding activity that can be a good way to burn calories. It requires strength, endurance, and coordination, and can provide a full-body workout. The number of calories you burn while rock climbing depends on your weight, intensity of your climb, and how long you climb.

On average, a person who weighs 74kg can burn about 310 calories in 30 minutes of moderate-intensity rock climbing, if they are ascending. However, the number of calories burned can vary based on factors such as age, gender, weight and intensity of the climb.

Rock climbing can be an intense workout and can be especially effective for burning calories if you climb at a high intensity or for longer periods of time. In addition to burning calories, rock climbing can also improve your muscle strength, endurance, and coordination.

Is rock climbing considered a sport?

Rock climbing is considered a sport by many people. It involves physically demanding activities such as ascending cliffs, walls, and other natural or artificial rock formations using hands, feet, and other body parts to support the climber's weight. Rock climbing can be done indoors at a climbing gym or outdoors at a natural rock formation.

There are several different styles of rock climbing, including sport climbing, trad climbing, bouldering, and ice climbing, each of which has its own set of rules and techniques. Rock climbing requires physical strength, endurance, and coordination, and can be enjoyed as a recreational activity or competitive sport.

Many people consider rock climbing to be a sport because it requires physical skill and fitness, and can be competitive.


Calories burned during rock climbing are calculated based on factors like your weight, the intensity of your climb, and the duration of the activity. Different formulas and online calculators use these factors to estimate the calories burned.

  • Weight: Heavier individuals burn more calories while rock climbing.
  • Intensity: More challenging climbs or routes burn more calories.
  • Duration: Longer durations of rock climbing result in more calories burned.
  • Technique: Using efficient climbing techniques can impact calorie burn.

Rock climbing can burn around 500-900 calories per hour, depending on factors like the difficulty of the climb, your technique, and individual body weight.

Yes, rock climbing is an excellent full-body workout that engages various muscle groups. It provides both cardiovascular and strength training benefits, making it an efficient calorie-burning activity.

Yes, many fitness trackers have specific settings for tracking rock climbing activities. They use accelerometers and other sensors to estimate calories burned based on your movements and intensity of the climb.

Both indoor and outdoor rock climbing can be effective for calorie burning, but the intensity and duration of the climbs will influence the calorie expenditure. Outdoor climbing may involve additional factors like varying terrain and weather conditions that can impact calorie burn.