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Calories Burned Swimming Calculator

Calculate calories burned swimming with this Fitness Calculator

  • Created by Olivia Bennett
  • Reviewed by Richard Anderson


Calories Burned Swimming:

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How to Calculate the Calories Burned While Swimming

Use a heart rate monitor or an internet calculator to determine calories burnt while swimming. Another option is to utilize a formula that takes your weight, time, and intensity of the swim into account.

Is swimming a good form of exercise?

In fact, swimming is one of the best cardiovascular workouts you can do. It's a great way to get in shape since it's low-impact yet still trains the whole body, improving cardio and strength and endurance.

The low impact of swimming is especially helpful for persons with joint pain due to arthritis or other diseases. Recuperating from an illness, operation, or injury also benefits from this alternative. In general, swimmers of all ages and physical abilities may benefit from the sport.

Which swimming style is best for me?

Whatever your swimming goals or objectives may be, they should be kept in mind when choosing your swimming technique. Let's delve into a few of the most common swimming styles and when you should consider using them:


The freestyle swimming stroke (sometimes known as the front crawl) is the most common and widely practiced swimming style. It is widely recognized as the quickest of the four competitive swimming strokes and an excellent way to enhance one's cardiovascular health and endurance.


Despite its reputation as the slowest of the four competitive strokes, breaststroke is the simplest to master. If you're looking for a low-impact workout or perhaps you're just getting started in swimming, this is a fantastic choice.


The backstroke is another common swimming technique that helps strengthen the back and shoulders. It's also an excellent choice for those who have joint problems or illnesses like arthritis because it's gentle on the body's musculoskeletal system.


There are four competitive strokes in swimming, and butterfly is often regarded as the hardest and most rewarding of the bunch. High levels of strength and stamina are required, making this an excellent activity for developing one's upper body muscles.

Swimming Medley

Another approach is to use a swimming medley, which consists of 4 individual strokes. It is an excellent way to improve your technique and gain strengthen.

If you find swimming enjoyable, you'll be more motivated to make it a regular part of your fitness program.

Is swimming good for weight loss?

The answer is yes, swimming can help you shed pounds. Because of the high number of calories burned, swimming is a fantastic method for reducing body fat. On average, about 600 calories per hour can be burned by swimming at a moderate pace. Building muscle and speeding up your metabolism are just two of the many benefits of strength training in the water.

Plus, swimming is a fantastic cardiovascular workout, which is crucial when trying to shed extra pounds. Doing exercise on a daily basis might raise your metabolic rate and aid your weight loss efforts.

Please note that if you want to reduce weight, swimming may not be enough on its own if you don't simultaneously adjust your food and your lifestyle. Weight loss and maintenance require both a good diet and frequent activity, such as swimming.

Muscle weighs more than fat, so even if you are not losing weight, you may be shedding fat and increasing muscle, which is still a good consequence, therefore it is crucial to take into account your personal body composition and muscle mass.

What are the common health benefits associated with swimming?

Some of swimming's numerous positive effects on health include:

  • Strengthening the heart and lungs is a major component of cardiovascular fitness, and swimming is a fantastic cardio workout.
  • Swimming can assist increase muscular strength and tone because it engages several different muscle groups at once.
  • Swimming is a low-impact activity that is gentle on the joints, making it an excellent choice for persons with illnesses like arthritis or recuperating from injuries.
  • Swimming as a means of relieving stress has been shown to have beneficial effects on mental health.
  • Regular swimming has been shown to improve immunity and lower the likelihood of contracting diseases like the common cold.
  • Regular swimming has been shown to enhance sleep quality and decrease instances of insomnia.


Calories burned while swimming are calculated based on factors like your weight, the type of stroke, the intensity of your swim, and the duration of the activity. Different formulas and online calculators use these factors to estimate the calories burned.

  • Weight: Heavier individuals tend to burn more calories while swimming.
  • Stroke: Different strokes (e.g., freestyle, breaststroke) may have varying levels of intensity and calorie burn.
  • Intensity: More vigorous or faster swimming burns more calories.
  • Duration: Longer durations of swimming result in more calories burned.

On average, swimming can burn around 400-800 calories per hour, depending on factors like stroke, intensity, and individual body weight.

Yes, swimming is an excellent full-body workout that engages multiple muscle groups. It provides both cardiovascular and strength training benefits, making it an efficient calorie-burning activity.

Yes, different swimming strokes have varying levels of intensity and can lead to different calorie burn rates. For example, the butterfly stroke typically burns more calories compared to the breaststroke.

Yes, many fitness trackers have specific settings for tracking swimming activities. They use accelerometers and water resistance sensors to estimate calories burned based on your swim stroke, intensity, and duration.