Calories Burned Jump Rope Calculator Icon

Calories Burned Jump Rope Calculator

Calculate calories burned from jump rope

  • Created by Olivia Bennett
  • Reviewed by Richard Anderson


Calories Burned from Jump Rope:

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How to Measure Calories Burned by Jump Rope?

Are you looking for a hot and effective way to burn calories and improve your fitness? Look no further than the humble skipping rope! Skipping rope exercises are a great way to get your heart pumping and torch calories, with an average burn rate of up to 10-16 skipping rope calories per minute.


Jumping rope is a fantastic exercise that has been used for centuries to improve cardiovascular fitness, agility, and coordination.

It's a fun and inexpensive workout that can be done almost anywhere, making it a popular choice for people looking to stay fit.

In this post, we'll explore the factors that affect the number of calories burned during a jump rope workout and provide tips to help you maximize your calorie burn and achieve your fitness goals.

Importance of jumping rope for fitness

Jumping rope is a low-impact exercise that can help improve your cardiovascular health, burn calories, and strengthen your muscles. In fact, according to the American Council on Exercise, just 10 minutes of jumping rope can be equivalent to running an 8-minute mile.

How many calories does jump rope burn?

Jump rope is a great exercise for burning calories. The number of calories burned from jump rope depends on various factors such as body weight, the intensity of the workout, the duration of the workout, and the type of jump rope exercises.

On average, a person can burn between 10 and 16 calories per minute by jumping rope. For example, a person weighing 150 pounds can burn approximately 135-220 calories by jumping rope for just 15 minutes. However, the exact number of calories burned will vary based on the factors mentioned above.

Using a calories burned jump rope calculator can help you determine the number of calories you burn while jumping rope based on your body weight and the duration of your workout. By tracking the number of calories you burn during your jump rope workouts, you can set fitness goals and measure your progress over time.

How jumping rope helps in burning calories

Jumping rope is a high-intensity cardiovascular exercise that can help you burn calories quickly. Here are some of the ways jumping rope helps in burning calories:

Explanation of the science behind it

When you jump rope, you engage multiple muscle groups, including your legs, core, and arms. This means that you are burning more calories than you would with exercises that only target one muscle group.

Jumping rope is a high-intensity exercise that elevates your heart rate, which means you are burning more calories than you would with low-intensity exercises.

Comparison of calories burned with other exercises

According to the American Council on Exercise, jumping rope burns more calories per minute than most other cardiovascular exercises.

For example, a person weighing 150 pounds can burn approximately 9.8 calories per minute by walking at a moderate pace, while the same person can burn approximately 13.5 calories per minute by jumping rope at a moderate pace. This means that you can burn more calories in a shorter amount of time by jumping rope.

Benefits of jumping rope for weight loss

Jumping rope is an excellent exercise for weight loss because it can help you burn calories quickly and improve your cardiovascular fitness. Additionally, because jumping rope is a low-impact exercise, it puts less stress on your joints than high-impact exercises like running. This makes it a great option for people who may have joint pain or injuries.

Factors that influence the number of calories burned skipping

While jumping rope is a great way to burn calories, the calories you can burn will depend on many factors.

Here are some that can influence the number of calories burned skipping:

Body weight and composition

Your body weight and composition can have a significant impact on the number of calories you burn while jumping rope. Generally, the more you weigh, the more calories you will burn. Additionally, individuals with more muscle mass tend to burn more calories than those with less muscle mass, even if they weigh the same amount.

Intensity of the workout

The intensity of your jump rope workout can also impact the number of calories you burn. The harder you work, the more calories you will burn. This means that performing high-intensity jump rope exercises like double-unders or high knees will burn more calories than basic jump rope exercises like single jumps.

Duration of the workout

The longer you jump rope, the more calories you will burn. However, it's essential to build up your endurance gradually to avoid injury. A good starting point is to jump rope for 10-15 minutes at a time and gradually increase the duration of your workout as your endurance improves.

Type of jump rope exercises

The type of jump rope exercises you perform can also impact the number of calories you burn. As mentioned earlier, more complex exercises like double-unders and high knees will burn more calories than basic jump rope exercises. Additionally, varying your workout routine can help prevent boredom and keep your body challenged, which can help you burn more calories in the long run.

The Calories Burned Jump Rope Calculator

Using a jump rope calorie calculator is an easy and effective way to determine the number of calories you can burn while jumping rope.:

Introduction to the calculator

The jump rope calorie calculator is a tool that helps you estimate the number of calories you burn while jumping rope based on your weight, intensity of the workout, and duration of the workout. This calculator takes into account the factors that can impact the number of calories burned while jumping rope, making it an accurate and efficient way to track your progress.

How to use the jump rope calorie calculator

Using the jump rope calorie calculator is straightforward. First, enter your weight in pounds or kilograms. Then, choose the intensity of your workout based on the options provided, such as low, moderate, or high intensity. Finally, enter the duration of your workout in minutes. Once you've entered this information, the calculator will provide an estimate of the number of calories you burned during your jump rope workout.

It's important to note that the jump rope calorie calculator is an estimation and may not be entirely accurate for everyone. Factors like body composition, age, and gender can also impact the number of calories burned. However, using the calculator can provide a good baseline estimate and help you track your progress over time.

Tips to maximize calorie burn with jumping rope

Jump rope exercises can burn a significant amount of calories, but there are ways to maximize the calorie burn and get the most out of your workout. Here are some tips:

Proper form and technique

Proper form and technique are crucial when it comes to jumping rope exercises. Ensure that the rope is the right length, and grip the handles firmly but not too tightly. Keep your elbows close to your body and rotate your wrists to turn the rope. Jump on the balls of your feet, keep your heels off the ground, and keep your core engaged throughout the workout.

Increasing the intensity of the workout

To increase the intensity of your jump rope workout, there are a few things you can do. You can speed up your jumping or add variations to your routine, such as high knees, double unders, or side swings. Another option is to increase the duration of your workout gradually. For example, if you usually jump rope for 15 minutes, try adding another five minutes each week until you reach your desired time.

Combining jumping rope with other exercises

Jump rope exercises can be combined with other exercises to create a full-body workout. You can incorporate strength training exercises such as squats, lunges, or push-ups into your jump rope routine. Alternatively, you can use the jump rope as a warm-up or cool-down exercise before or after a weightlifting or cardio session.


Jump rope exercises are an excellent way to burn calories, improve cardiovascular health, and enhance overall fitness. Depending on factors such as intensity, duration, body weight, and fitness level, you can burn up to 10-16 jump rope calories per minute.

By incorporating different jump rope exercises and gradually increasing the duration and intensity of your workout, you can maximize the calorie burn and achieve your fitness goals faster. Don't forget to use proper form and technique, and consider combining jump rope exercises with other exercises to create a full-body workout. So grab your jump rope and start jumping your way to fitness today!


Calories burned while jump roping are calculated based on factors like your weight, the intensity of your jumps, and the duration of the activity. Different formulas and online calculators use these factors to estimate the calories burned.

  • Weight: Heavier individuals burn more calories while jump roping.
  • Intensity: Higher intensity or faster jumping burns more calories.
  • Duration: Longer durations of jump roping result in more calories burned.
  • Age: Younger individuals tend to burn more calories than older individuals.

Yes, jump roping is considered a high-intensity cardiovascular exercise. It engages multiple muscle groups and requires coordination, making it an efficient calorie-burning workout.

On average, jump roping can burn around 600-1000 calories per hour, depending on factors like intensity, speed, and individual body weight.

Yes, jump roping can be an excellent exercise for weight loss. It is an efficient full-body workout that burns a significant number of calories in a relatively short amount of time. It also helps improve cardiovascular fitness and coordination.

Yes, many fitness trackers have specific settings for tracking jump rope activities. They use accelerometers and heart rate monitors to provide more accurate estimates of calories burned based on your jumping intensity and duration.