Calories Burned on a Elliptical Calculator Icon

Calories Burned on a Elliptical Calculator

Calculate calories burned on a elliptical

  • Created by Olivia Bennett
  • Reviewed by Richard Anderson

Calories Burned on an Elliptical:

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An elliptical trainer is a great option if you are looking for an effective and low-impact exercise. Not only is it easy on your joints, but it can also provide a challenging full-body workout. One important aspect of any exercise routine is tracking your progress, including how many calories you burn.


Are you looking for an efficient and effective way to burn calories and improve your fitness level? Look no further than the elliptical machine. With an elliptical calorie calculator, you can track your progress and adjust your workout routine to maximize calorie burn, reaching up to 800 elliptical calories per hour.

In this blog post, we'll explore the science behind calculating calories burned on an elliptical machine and provide tips to help you increase your calorie burn and achieve your fitness goals.

Why using an Elliptical trainer is a good exercise

An elliptical trainer provides a great cardiovascular workout that can help improve your overall fitness. One of the biggest advantages of using an elliptical is that it's a low-impact exercise, which means it puts less stress on your joints than other exercises like running or jumping. This makes it a great alternative for those with joint pain or injuries.

Additionally, an elliptical trainer engages both your upper and lower body, making it a full-body workout. This means that you can burn more calories and increase your heart rate in a shorter time than other exercises that only target one specific area of the body.

Calculating calories burned during exercise

Knowing how many calories you effectively burn during exercise is important for tracking your progress and achieving your fitness goals. To lose weight, you must create a calorie deficit by burning more calories than you consume. Calculating the calories burned during your elliptical workout ensures that you are on track to meet your weight loss goals.

Calculating calories burned during exercise can also help you determine the intensity of your workout. For example, if you are not burning enough calories, you may need to increase the resistance or speed on the elliptical to get a more challenging workout. On the other hand, if you are burning too many calories, you may need to decrease the intensity to avoid overexertion.

How Calories Burned are Calculated

Now that we've established the importance of calculating calories burned during an elliptical workout let's dive into how these calculations are made.

The science behind calculating calories burned

The number of calories burned during exercise is based on several factors, including weight, age, sex, and the intensity and duration of your workout. The unit of measurement for energy expended is a calorie, which is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius.

To calculate the number of calories burned during an elliptical workout, we use a formula that considers the above factors. This formula is based on the metabolic equivalent of task (MET), which is a measure of the amount of energy expended during physical activity.

Factors of Calorie Burn on an Elliptical Machine

Several factors can influence the number of calories burned during an elliptical workout. One of the most significant factors is your weight, as a heavier person will burn more calories than someone who weighs less.

The intensity and duration of your workout also play a crucial role in calorie burn. A higher resistance or speed will require more energy, resulting in a higher calorie burn. Longer workouts will also result in a higher calorie burn compared to shorter ones.

Heart Rate and Intensity in Calorie Burn

The intensity of your elliptical workout is closely linked to your heart rate. As your heart rate increases, so does the calories you burn. To maximize calorie burn, aim to keep your heart rate within your target heart rate zone, which is typically between 60-80% of your maximum heart rate.

Additionally, varying your intensity levels during your workout can help you burn more calories. Consider incorporating interval training, where you alternate between high-intensity and low-intensity intervals, to maximize calorie burn.

The Elliptical Machine

Before we delve deeper into calculating calories burned on an elliptical trainer, let's take a moment to understand what an elliptical machine is and how to use it effectively.

What is an elliptical trainer?

An elliptical trainer, also known as an elliptical machine, is a piece of fitness equipment that simulates walking or running. It consists of two pedals that move in an oval or elliptical motion, mimicking the natural movement of the legs during walking or running.

Elliptical trainers also have handles that move back and forth in sync with the pedals, providing a full-body workout. Many elliptical machines also come with adjustable resistance levels, allowing users to customize their workout to their fitness level.

How to use an elliptical machine

To use an elliptical machine effectively, start standing on the pedals with your feet firmly planted. Then, hold onto the handles and start moving your feet in a circular motion, pushing the pedals forward and backward.

As you become more comfortable, you can increase the resistance level to make your workout more challenging. Some elliptical trainers also come with pre-programmed workouts that vary the resistance and incline levels, providing a more varied workout.

How many calories do you burn on an elliptical?

The number of calories you can burn during your elliptical workout depends on several factors, including your weight, age, sex, and the intensity and duration of your workout.

On average, a person can burn between 270-400 calories in 30 minutes of moderate-intensity elliptical exercise. However, the actual value can vary widely depending on your individual factors and the intensity of your workout.

To get a more accurate estimate of the number of calories you burn during an elliptical workout, consider using a calorie calculator or fitness tracker that takes into account your individual factors. This can help you track your progress and make adjustments to your workout as needed.

Tips to Increase Calorie Burn on an Elliptical

If you're looking to increase the number of calories burned during your elliptical workout, there are several tips and tricks you can try:

How to adjust resistance and incline to increase calorie burn

Adjusting the resistance and incline levels on your elliptical machine can help you burn more calories during your workout. Increasing the resistance level will require more muscle effort, resulting in a higher calorie burn.

Similarly, adjusting the incline level can make your workout more challenging, leading to a higher calorie burn. Consider incorporating hill intervals, where you increase the incline level for a set amount of time, then decrease it to maximize calorie burn.

The importance of proper form and posture on the machine

Proper form and posture are crucial for getting the most out of your elliptical workout. Keep your shoulders relaxed and your back straight, and avoid slouching forward. Engage your core muscles to maintain stability and balance on the machine.

Maintaining proper form and posture helps you burn more calories and reduces the risk of injury and discomfort during your workout.

Incorporating interval training to boost calorie burn

Incorporating interval training into your elliptical workout can help you burn more calories in less time. Interval training involves alternating between high-intensity and low-intensity intervals, allowing you to push your body to its limits and burn more calories.

Consider starting with a 1:1 work-to-rest ratio, where you alternate between 30 seconds of high-intensity work and 30 seconds of low-intensity work. As you become more comfortable, you can increase the work time and decrease the rest time to challenge yourself even more.

Factors That Affect Calorie Burn on an Elliptical

While the elliptical machine effectively burns calories, the number of calories burned varies depending on several factors. Here are some of the most significant factors affecting an elliptical machine's calorie burn.

Age, weight, and gender's impact on calorie burn

Age, weight, and gender can all significantly impact the number of calories burned during your workout. Generally, younger people and males tend to burn more calories than older individuals and females. Additionally, individuals with a higher body weight will burn more calories than those with a lower body weight.

How to adjust calorie burn calculations for individual differences

Calculating calorie burn on an elliptical machine takes into account factors such as speed, resistance, and workout duration. However, it's essential to remember that these calculations are based on average values and may not accurately reflect individual differences.

Consider using a heart rate monitor to adjust calorie burn calculations for individual differences. A heart rate monitor can provide more accurate information about the number of calories burned during a workout, considering factors such as age, weight, and gender.

Examples of how individual differences affect calorie burn

For example, a 25-year-old male who weighs 180 pounds may burn around 400 calories during a 30-minute elliptical workout at a moderate intensity level. However, a 50-year-old female who weighs 140 pounds may only burn around 250 calories during the same workout.

Individual differences such as body composition, fitness level, and metabolic rate can all impact calorie burn on an elliptical machine. Therefore, it's important to adjust your workout routine and use tools such as heart rate monitors to get a more accurate estimate of your calorie burn.


An elliptical machine is an excellent tool for burning extra calories and achieving your fitness goals. By using an elliptical calorie calculator, you can track your progress and adjust your workout routine to maximize calorie burn. Remember to take into account individual differences such as age, weight, and gender when calculating your calorie burn, and consider using a heart rate monitor to get a more accurate estimate.

Incorporating tips such as adjusting resistance and incline levels, maintaining proper form and posture, and incorporating interval training can also help you burn more calories on the elliptical machine. With dedication and consistency, you can make the most of your workouts and achieve your fitness goals. So start using an elliptical calorie calculator today and take your fitness journey to the next level!


Calories burned on an elliptical are calculated based on factors like your weight, the resistance level or intensity of your workout, and the duration of the exercise. Different formulas and online calculators use these factors to estimate the calories burned.

  • Weight: Heavier individuals burn more calories on an elliptical.
  • Intensity: Higher resistance levels or more intense workouts burn more calories.
  • Duration: Longer durations of elliptical workouts result in more calories burned.
  • Fitness Level: More fit individuals may burn calories more efficiently.

On average, an elliptical workout can burn around 300-600 calories per hour, depending on factors like resistance level, intensity, and individual body weight.

Yes, elliptical training is an effective form of exercise for burning calories. It provides a full-body workout, engaging both upper and lower body muscles, and can be adjusted for different levels of intensity.

Using a higher resistance level on the elliptical can increase the intensity of your workout and potentially lead to higher calorie burn. However, it's important to find a level that challenges you without compromising proper form or causing discomfort or strain.

Yes, many fitness trackers have specific settings for tracking elliptical workouts. They use accelerometers and heart rate monitors to provide more accurate estimates of calories burned based on your resistance level, intensity, and duration.